Arse vs Liverpool

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After a really boring International break, we now have Arsenal to face. They are the team I like the least out of all our opponents because of past injuries inflicted by them during my youth, in direct and flagrant breach of my human rights. I am not a person to bear grudges though and accept that these events occurred many years ago and there comes a time when peace and reconciliation is needed to help heal those scars. Fortunately, that time is not now, not tonight, not even some date in the future. In fact not ever. Never. So, until the time is right for a peaceful outcome (never) we need to not just beat them but to smash them into the ground.

I appreciate that not everyone is interested in the sort of in depth tactical analysis detailed in the previous paragraph so let’s instead take a look at the likely team to face Arsenal Our long term injuries are just that, long term and I am not expecting to see VVD, Matip or Gomez again this season and am even beginning to worry if Hendo will be back and fit enough to influence things either. Putting those players to one side then, as far as I an aware, everyone else is fit and raring to go so I hope the team will be: Magnum, TAA, Phillips, Kayak, Rambo, Fab, Gini, Thiago, Mane, Firmino, Prawn.

Arsenal, for their part, have started to show a little form lately with youngsters Saka and Martinelli in particular catching the eye. It will not be an easy game but hopefully David Luiz will once again see us all right.

I really don’t know why we bother with press conferences anymore. Usually, the press try to get the managers to say something vaguely interesting and the managers know this and use lots of words to use up the time and say absolutely nothing. It comes to something when you find out more about the team by studying the training photos and following the fantasy football teams of the players themselves than you do in the press conference or official website. Of course, every now and again Klopp forgets himself and says something he shouldn’t which is why we all keep watching them. This tine it’s his comments on TAA which has probably only extended his absence from the England team. A lot of fans will say good one Kloppo and that’s fine, I suppose, unless, of course, you are Trent ;-/

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