4KK Prediction League.

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Okee dokee chaps and chapette, it’s almost time for the new season.
We here at 4KK have a Prediction League. DaBandit created it and at first glance I thought I couldn’t be arsed…..coz I’m a lazy fooker.
But I did join up for the Euros n I was quite shite at it, but a load of fun though.

Stu won, obviously.

Well there is a new Prediction League set up, by DB himself. He’s a clever fooker.

All you need to do is tap on fantasy football up top on the site and sign up.

The top option is fantasy football but below that you will see the EPL Prediction League, which is up and running.
Beneath that you’ll see UCL prediction League, which isn’t set up for obviously obvious reasons, such as the draw hasn’t been made yet.

Anyway, I talk to much, but you already know that.

The format is last season’s top 8 are featured to predict each game and whoever they play.
DB did ask me if we should feature last season’s top 10, which would have included the Bluesihite. I said nah.😁.

I’ll post a few screenies later coz Getty fooking images don’t allow me to post shite in the OP, bitches.

Seriously though, get ya clogs on and sign up.
You can actually send in your predictions in a block of weeks. Therefore if you are busy you know you can send in multiple weeks at a time.

It’s shit loads of fun.
So far there are 8 of us. Let’s try to make it 30 that will enjoy the fun of the 4KK Prediction League.

Oh yeah, it’s also free.

This is 4KK where Prediction League rules, unless it’s Friday, obviously.

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