Ukraine, alone yet fighting.

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I say alone, because basically the West has dismissed entering their Country because it could escalate the “War”. Bollocks.

The longer we allow the Kremlin to get away with this, the longer the butcher will carry on.
I used the word Kremlin, not Russians because the people of Russia do not want this war.

This is down to a despot that has reached, or nearly reached the end of his life, which I mentioned last week. Rumour is he’s dying of cancer.
It’s a shame for anyone to die with that illness but he IS a cancer that requires being cut out of this World.

He’s said sanctions on his Country are a declaration of War.
What a fucking idiot. Delusional and murderer is not off the mark with that bastard.

I’ve been contemplating writing this article all day. Should I? Should I not bother?
Well, I’ll continue with it, though I’m filled with anger and fury with how that piece of shit is allowed to get away with murder under the eyes of the World.

He invaded a Sovereign Country because he told his own people, and the rest of the World that Zelensky is a drug addict and a Nazi.
Putin has blanket banned all talk of war with a sentence of 15 years in prison. Well knowing Putin it will be a day in prison before he murders you. That saves a hell of a lot in your upkeep.

China, the lovely souls of human rights upholders canned all Premier league games on their doctored TV stations today. Why?
Well they knew there would be mass protests in regards to the Klemlin’s murdering activities in Ukraine.
China are worse than the Kremlin as you’ll all see in the coming months.

So, what to do?
What do we do?
Historically China doesn’t really like Russia, but…. If the agenda suits.

Do we sit it out because Ukraine are not part of NATO?
Do we act like the proverbial ostrich? You know what they do, right?

Do we wait for Putin to attack Finland? Be under no elusion here, he will attack Finland if he gets away with raping Ukraine.

The West has been asked to impose a no fly zone over Ukraine. The West refused coz it really didn’t want to upset a mad bastard. Okee dokee then, that’s going to help, right?
People are dieing throughout Ukraine. People fleeing the Kremlin butchers are being picked off and shot at will.

I actually saw on Friday night Sky news reporter and sound, camera crew being shot at. The camera man took two shots in the chest. Thankfully he was wearing a bullet proof vest.

By all accounts Putin is dying, which I mentioned last week as is the reason for his unhinged actions.

If the rumours are true then do you honestly believe this insane bastard won’t press the button if we attack or not?

He wants to go down in history as the badest ass that ever lived. He obviously doesn’t care if there is no one left on the planet to know his story.

Send in special forces and kill the sick bastard.

I’ll tell you one thing, if war comes to this Country I’m signing up.

Well, the article is more of a rant than anything constructive.
Thing is you can’t reason with a despot, you simply have to kill him.

This is only my personal opinion. I don’t usually write a personal opinion but on this instance I feel I had to put my thoughts down in words and believe me I could have written so much more.

The sooner the west gets out of their circular Capitalist bullshit then the sooner lives can be saved.

Russia is Communist/ Socialist, right? Isn’t the whole point of socialism about making people equal?

so why are there so many rich Russians shitting themselves over sanctions, which might actually be put in place in 3 weeks once our Tory scum Government give them enough time to get their money out of the Country, taxed obviously.

We need to fight.

We will be fighting in a short time anyway.

stuff Putin and his threats of nuclear conflict.

He’s a bully and bullies need a damn good kicking.

We as humans need to step up and step in.

But NATO won’t do a thing.

I’ll shut the fuck up now.

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