Friday Gossip & Music.

This weeks Gossip column.

Putin the insane has threatened the west ( doesn’t he always ) with severe action if the very naughty people allow Ukraine to bomb the shit out of Russia with western weapons.

Putin the insane said he’ll retaliate. He said he’ll pick on all the tiny countries in NATO. He’s such a big man is our Putin the insane.

Like all bullies he wants to hit but not be hit back. How dare Ukraine bomb Russia. It’s only allowed for Russia to bomb Ukraine in Putin the insane’s parallel world.

Like All good or bad Sheppard’s, depends how you view it he likes to cry wolf……a lot.

If the insane narcissistic bastard was gonna press the button he would have done it by now.

He’s no doubt feeling insecure within his own body, the limp dicked bastard.

Donald ( the orange one ) Trump has been convicted of all 34 charges laid against him. Obviously he professed his innocence in his usual thick way. I’m sure Wayne ( I love grannies ) Rooney is his love child.

Trump was like, ” I’m innocent, this is a witch hunt, it’s totally wrong. It’s a witch hunt. It’s a disgrace to America, it’s a disgrace, it’s a witch hunt, it’s a disgrace……….you know the drill by now.

Let’s hope he actually does some jail time for actually breaking the law, orange bastard.

In other gossip,

Arne has been visiting the sights and sounds of Liverpool. He’s still here actually.

He’s been out to several pubs in the city recently, getting a feel of the locals thoughts. The beer to more like by the looks of it, but he’ll be sober by June 1. That’s the plan anyway but in a Liverpool pub you could actually be there for days, weeks even if you’ve got the head for it……….unlike Putin the insane ⬆️.

Mo, Big Virg and Trent all met up for a get together the other day to discuss their contract extensions. Mo said he’s thinking about it. Big Virg said it depends on several things. Trent said he’ll ask his mum.

It looks like Putin the insane requires an extension too, just a different kind of extension. ⬆️. Viagra might help.

Stevie G has proclaimed his season in the land of oil a success. He said he took his team from 7th to 6th in front of a raucous crowd of around 7000 people. When told the stadium holds 35000 he said that wasn’t a problem, he’ll just make the stadium smaller. Ok Stevie, whatever makes you happy. The money helps, obviously.

Any gossip your end lads? If not you can always play some music instead.

Putin’s favourite song is called My dingaling. Not everyone will get that😁.

Hit it!

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