Friday Gossip & Music.

This weeks gossip .

Apparently the SkipRats have offered 7 Hag an extension to last til 2026. But to be fair looking at the fooker he’ll probably embrace the extension with both hands for another two years. Who said Viagra wasn’t a good thing?

Granny fiddler Wassick Rooney has welcomed his tea lady and head of cleaning in a private get together where they all ate lots and lots and lots of cake. Ice-cream was not allowed because Wazza is on a diet. He did have lots of ‘out of hours’ activities which I’m sure you’ll appreciate I cannot divulge on a family site such as this. What I can say ( after consultation with next doors 🐈) is the pregnancy test was negative.

Arne Slot has not had a great inauguration by certain individuals around the world but hey, let’s be honest here, what does lil Tommy know about football…or in fact life anyway 🤷.

Slot is not just a coach, he’s the head coach. To many words for Tommy the wally to comprehend.

Word on the street is Valarie Putin has been crying again, crying like a lil bitch. He’s said on record that it’s so unfair he’s not allowed to bully his neighbour without reprisal. You’re getting away with MURDER you CUNT.

That Gordon fella from Saudi United says he’s desperate to move to Liverpool…Well he did move out of Liverpool so it’s understandable why he wants to return. Personally I’ve never moved out of Liverpool because no other fooking city would have me. Understandable really.

Trump, well, he’s a narcissistic bastard and just as wacky as Biden but with extra stupidness. I fear for America and indeed the western world if that cunt isn’t locked up. Orange bastard.

It was the General election last night and I’ve no idea who won it but I did write this last night so how the fook would I know the result, besides they’re both a pair of wankers anyway so it makes no real difference. One wears red, one wears blue. It’s like the fooking derby fffs😂.

In other news,

Stu went out today on his bicycle to train for the next bicycle Olympics. He’s getting good at riding his bicycle these days,

The secret hybrid engine concealed on the contraption helps, obviously.

Jock is a bit down in the dumps these days but hey, he won’t be sorting out basement boilers forever but in the meantime let’s give Jock a proper 4KK hug…..( Thank fook it would take him hours to drive down to Liverpool to give me a kicking….I’d move out before he arrived anyfookingway) His old dears love him, bless.

Oscar has been to the bar in ‘the hood’ a lot recently. I think he might have a problem there, though now he’s a regular he’s getting discounted 🍺 so problem solved.

I dunarf chat some shite. I was gonna go on but as no fooker reads my shite ( understandably) I’ll cut if off here, not literally for obviously obvious reasons.

post ya Goss or play some tunes instead….or both..

Hit it!

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