Friday Gossip & Music.

This weeks gossip .

Its been a funny old closed season, according to next doors 🐈, n she knows a thing or three about footy, apparently.

Not only did we win all our games ( besides one…oh and the two on Sunday….yet ) but we’ve kinda looked good ( from reports coz I’ve not actually watched any due to next doors 🐈 advising me to fook LFCTV off. Not one of her better ideas, I know. Stupid fooking 🐈.

According to Oscar we’ve played some pretty neat footy. Trent looked awesome, he said…..whilst Trent was on a beach drinking dacary’s and eating boiled eggs that Jerry prepared for him earlier. Btw, if you don’t know what a dacary is then ask Oscar n once he’s told you what it is then let me know coz I ain’t got a fooking clue what they are either.

Apparently our passing has almost been as smooth as Slots bonce or is it bonse? Fooked if I know 🤷.

Anyfookingway, we’re looking good for the season. Bellend said he’s sorry he went to UnReal Madrid and wished instead he came here, to the home of football. Next door but one’s 🐕 told him to fook off and said there’s no room at the inn, before biting him on the arse.

In other gossip

Asif and I ( oh so formal…Asif and I 🙄) were in discussion during the week in regards to a prize for the loser of the prediction league. Well to be fair, it’s not about losing, it’s more about finishing last ( I was gonna type coming last but I know, I just know one of you…..Jerry…would respond with something utterly filthy, which is not befitting a family site such as this )….where the fook was I?…Oh yeah, it’s also not exactly a prize, as such, it’s more of a punishment for being so shite.

Asif suggested awarding the loser with a BlueShite towel, which by all accounts is a good idea, but….🤔 after several hours of discussion we both decided to award the loser with a season ticket for the yet to be completed BlueShite stadium. We don’t hold back here ya know.

Now you’re asking ( I know you are, I can sense it ) what does the winner of the prediction league get? Well my friends, the winner will receive an all inclusive, all expenses paid trip to Peru….Paul is paying, obviously. Our petty cash doesn’t run that far…in fact it doesn’t run at all, not since the ‘accident’.

Anyfookingway, I’m sure ( ish ) you’ve all got lots n lots of gossip to share…if not then play some fooking music instead.

Remember the footy season starts next week so get ya arses onto the exclusive and highly acclaimed 4KK Prediction League. You know it makes sense.

Hit it!

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