A half term break…yes, another.
Football is becoming as stop start as school but unlike children footballers can’t play footy in the park with their mates in the mud, rain or snow when school is out. No, footballers have to play footy on foreign shores, sometimes on a lil holiday excursion called a warm weather training camp. They don’t even get paid well for all their hardship. Before you know it they’ll be expected to put in excessive hours in work, such as 20, possibly 30 hours a week. That’s just not right when us common folk only work 40+ hours on a fraction of what they earn.
I do feel sorry for footballers though. They get injured, hurt, losing limbs in the work place on a regular basis. Some actually have cuts to ankles which keeps them out for weeks, months at a time in some brittle players cases.
But anyway that’s just me feeling sorry for the lil cherubs. They need more cotton wool to wrap around their over inflated ego’s.
Since footy has ceased to be for several weeks ( well it ceases to exist for the 4KK fantasy footy team coz they’re not very good.)
I’ve had a word with the chairman who had a word with the owner about sacking the Manager.
I’ll let you know how that turns out after I’ve had a rather stern chat with myself…using all 3 available seats obviously
With all this time off…..again, some of the footy team utilised this free time to explore friendships, meeting up…..drinking shit loads of beer n other concoctions in order to chill out, to be ready for our next match.
They’ll all return over weight and ratted, though to be fair neither are abnormal for the 4KK footy team, which is probably why there’s been a massive drop off in form this season……………..
……………….Conor and Alan meet up on neutral ground earlier, somewhere between Waterford and Cork to get ratted, watch that weird sport with a odd shaped π and get ratted some more.
Jerry has switched his phone off coz when he initially answered it all he could hear was laughter ( ratted laughter I must add ) n words like “To be sure, to be sure”.
Jerry was furious and closed his restaurant for the night as it was full of Conor’s and Alan’s.
No idea what that means so if you have any questions ask Jer.
Asif was located roaming around the mountains in Birmingham ( of course Birmingham has mountains )
A passer by ( fooknose what she was doing up the mountains in freezing cold weather? ) called the pol-ice to say there’s a nutter walking around the mountain bollock naked…….in the snow. The pol-ice response was, ” Oh, that’ll be Asif, don’t worry he does that all the time. Can you see anything other than his bollocks?”
Caller, “No, just his bollocks”
Pol-ice, ” That’ll be due to the cold weather then, he’ll go home when he can’t find what he’s supposed to pee out of”
Caller, “That’s reasonable and reassuring.”
Cabbage God 2 is preaching in South Korea, it might actually be teaching but personally I don’t see a difference.
Anyway, he’s teaching the kids how to get ratted in pubs, chat up women…..until the US Army show up n then they all do one ( as you are probably aware I’m attempting my hardest not to use expletives tonight, I’m trying to keep this article professional. Though once next doors π fooks off home I’ll edit the fooking fook out of this n swear me friggin head off.
Greg and Romps met up earlier this week before summer ends.
They packed a picnic, consisting of beer, rum, Bacardi, Gin and a chicken salad to take to the beach before winter sets in.
As they were driving ( it’s legal to drive ratted in Australia, according to next door but ones π) Greg asked Romps to turn the heating in the car up as it was proper cold, in Ozzy speak, something like 82 degrees Fahrenheit. ( Thank fook my auto correct speeeled that word right. It must be German.)
They believe they had a great time at the beach but neither can remember, not even being arrested for fishing illegally….in the fish n chip shop, though Greg’s hand is still burned and swallow for placing it in the deep fryer. He does like a bit of Haddock.
Rightous Dude, GDoc and Matty met up in New York city this afternoon to see the sites and watch a movie and share a milkshake afterwards. That’s nice π
Not all the team where out gallivanting and having fun, no….Dimi was working hard for the 4KK news team. I sent him to Greenland, all expenses paid to scout for new players for next season…..afterall some of you lot are way past your prime….
Dimi did post a few scouting reports.
He witnessed 3 penguins and a polar bear playing footy with a rather large snowball near one of the 4 coast’s. I made that but up, Polar bears can’t play footy and despite flat earthers beliefs penguins only reside in the south pole. That’s a myth, says my own penguins.
Tractor Mike ( formally known as Farmboy Mike has been abseiling down a building with Daisy the cow just the other day. Mike will be in traction for quite some time after Daisy’s line broke hurtling her down on top of Mike. The hero broke her fall and shit loads of his own bones in the process. What a guy.
Oscar has also been busy during the holidays,
He’s been researching players that I’ve never actually heard of…. I’ll have to hire him to my scouting team, if I allow myself to keep my job.
Remember to remember whatever it is you think you’ve forgotten.
You’ll thank yourself in the morning, if you remember, obviously.
There’s a lesson in there somewhere but I’ve forgotten what it is.
Well I got through this rather enlightening article with minimal swearing, which I’m rather fooking chuffed with, to be completely honest.π€
Come back from your jollies wherever that might be fitter and stronger to end the season on a high…….or I’ll play the animals and my granny..who’s 4’11” and died in 1978…..Be wanted…..be very warned.
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