
Now that the football season is nearly upon us and being contrary I thought I would focus on non football related matters with an article about tiny things that annoy me out of all proportion to their importance.

I often write down a list of things as my helper said it was a good way of controlling my emotions and putting them to one side. So this is my list number 4720 of little things that grind my gears.

  1. People who walk/cycle on the wrong (right) side of the road. This is England we drive on the left. If you want to integrate into our society you need to take on our British values and traditions. One of the most important of those is keeping to the left regardless of your political views.
  2. People you ask to do a job who then go on to rip you off once they know you can’t really stop things in mid job and get someone else to do it…
  3. Politicians/Journalists who stir the shit and deliberately lie/exaggerate to stir emotions and then act with shock and turn the blame on to others for the mayhem that then ensues.

What grinds your gears?

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