Are these the days to dream?

Its been a funny old life supporting my hometown club. I can’t remember when it first happened but my mother did say when I left the womb I didn’t cry, ….. I screamed…….. LIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL and I actually believe her….ish.
Growing up I was spoilt by my clubs success. I was born into it to a degree. In 1964 we were a proper footy team, nowhere near what we would be but hey, if you look to the sky you shall always see the stars, unless it’s cloudy, obviously 🙄.
I remember the day Shanks resigned ( he’d offered his resignation plenty of times prior). I was 9 years old back in May 1974 and I couldn’t believe it. My brother whom would have been 11 couldn’t believe it either.
Shanks was a legend, the very first manager to be classed as a legend here in Liverpool. He broke the backs of the money men at this club and he virtually made them spend a bit. There was a comment when he went into the boardroom to ask for money. He was told, “We’re not Everton”. ( I hate using that vile word but for authenticity I had to. I should really have just said it how it is, the BlueShite)
Going back further my first real memory of a actual football match was the 1971 FA cup against Arsenal, I was 6 years old back then and I still remember my 14 year old sister bragging she’d put a sixpence on Arsenal to win. It’s nuts to think back to when I was 6 years old but to this day I still remember how furious I was at her backing another club. It’s pretty obvious I hope that at 6 I was a lifelong Liverpool supporter. All the 6 years of my then tender existence.
Shanks will always be our first managerial legend.

Moving on, I began going to the match on a regular basis in 1979. We we’re proper good back then. As I mentioned earlier I was spoilt for growing up with my beloved Liverpool being absolutely brilliant. It’s not my fault where I was born but I was and still am glad I was born and still reside here.
After the successes from the past, the dominance from yesteryear, dare we dream again?
We have another legend, a residing legend at the helm that has given us our first league title in 30 years. We dreamed of it for 30 years. Going back to the early 90’s I never imagined such a wait could happen. We always won the league, 3 seasons out of 5 we’d have won the damn thing, sometimes 2 in a row, then a season blip ( usually 2nd place ) and then we’d win it again. We really were that good.
As a Liverpool supporter from a toddler to a child to a match going child and adult the 90’s were my darkest days in football terms. They were a nightmare. Did I think we’d ever get back to where we were? I always believed we would but as the 90’s ticked over that dream was ever farther away. It was a horrible decade to be a Liverpool supporter……..but belief, love through toil and trauma was still residing in my heart and spirit. The awaiting of the awakening was never far from my thoughts.
Many years later we reside at the top table of English, European and World football, despite the goalposts being moved by cheats allowed to cheat and VAR being….well being VAR.
Our club, my club, your club are doing things in the right way. We have no control over what others do. We are back with a new prototype, it has been called Klopp .2. I’d rather call it another new dawn.
Are these the days to dream?
You can decide that for yourselves . What are your dreams made of? How has this wonderful club effected your life?
REMEMBER who we are.
We are LIVERPOOL n Fook the rest!

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