A Ramble…about nothing in particular.
< Embed from Getty Images Just a lil filler to see us through to the next article, which could happen at anytime soon 🤷. Probably very soon after this nonsense. N as you all...
< Embed from Getty Images Just a lil filler to see us through to the next article, which could happen at anytime soon 🤷. Probably very soon after this nonsense. N as you all...
< Embed from Getty Images Time to dust down the tables and change a few barrels. Stu will sort that, he likes sorting things, according to Jock. One of the pub doors needed replacing...
< Embed from Getty Images Well that was a pain in the arse. Took me ages logging on. Same issues with WordPress as the site is suffering again.Let’s hope the fooker saves ok. Anyway,...
< Embed from Getty Images I was in two minds,( possible 3or 4 ) if I should write this or pass it over to Jock or Stu.Apparently but don’t quote me on it, but...
< Embed from Getty Images It’s Friday, yippi🤔. The doors are open for your pleasure, if indeed it is a pleasure? It’s time to sit back and enjoy a peaceful Friday evening with some...
< Embed from Getty Images It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for.The 4KK footy squad is an integral part of this site ( it is in my own head anyway ). It’s been...
< Embed from Getty Images Happy Friday folks.The 4KK pub is open for business once again.We had a bit of a refurbish this week. Well a few chairs were mended after someone threw a...
< Embed from Getty Images Fridays are always fun nights in the 4KK public house, even Ginge pops in from time to time.The doors are open, so spend your money at the bar, well...
< Embed from Getty Images Fair warning, I’m probably going to ramble. The world today is pretty much fooked up.The Kremlin are a gang of c*nts but they are not the only c*nts in...
< Embed from Getty Images Let’s fooking hope I don’t mess this up this week…..I mean let’s hope fook you 504 doesn’t fook this up this week. A massive shout out to Stu for...
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