Friday night music on 4KK.
Right to buy < Embed from Getty Images We go again,Music night has once again returned to the home of music, popular chat and medical advice. Nice one Soop. The doors of the 4KK...
Right to buy < Embed from Getty Images We go again,Music night has once again returned to the home of music, popular chat and medical advice. Nice one Soop. The doors of the 4KK...
G’day ya nutters.Normally I’d call this a ramble but I prefer Jerry’s take on it. A muse is so much more sophisticated than a ramble, even though it’s probably the same thing, depending on...
< Embed from Getty Images Here we go again, it’s Friday. The doors in the 4KK public house have swung open.Dust off ya dancing shoes and hit the dance floor. Well it’s been a...
< Embed from Getty Images Well fook me twice on Sundays, 3 times when the clocks go back……in October. Yep lads and lass it’s that time of week again where I write a pile...
< Embed from Getty Images Fook, it’s Friday again.I suppose I’d better write my usual shite then.N thanks Jock for picking it up last week mate when I was doing my school work. The...
< Embed from Getty Images Footy is a funny old game.We all strive, no, expect perfection but what does that actually mean? I suppose it would be nice to win every match we play.38...
< Embed from Getty Images Yep, it’s here again, it’s Friday, which usually means there’s a massive clean up on a Saturday. I’d volunteer to help but I’ll be working, sorry. Well the 4KK...
Caught Yer! < Embed from Getty Images Friday’s come around one a week, apparently and it’s that day I just mentioned….again. The doors of the 4KK public house have swung open, no creaking this...
< Embed from Getty Images Today we play the prior owners of our Stadium, Tennant’s actually because they didn’t pay their rent and were ultimately kicked out. The BlueShite were formed in 1878, 14...
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