Author: 4ever Red


Friday night music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images Here we are again, it’s Friday and its music time.It only seems like five minutes ago I wrote the last one. It’s been a funny old week.We completed battered the...


Mo and his contract.

Embed from Getty Images There’s been lots of opinions discussed over Mo’s new contract, so I thought I’d highlight the debate by opening up the discussion with this article. What is Mo Salah worth?This...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Once again it’s that time of the week were we share our tunes in the 4KK public house.It was a bit quiet last week but there were logging on difficulties....


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Good evening folks and welcome to the 4KK public house where we chat a lot of bollocks and post some Wicked music too. Well, it’s been a funny old week.Scotland...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Good evening 4KK Crew,Friday is upon us once again so fill ya glasses and get ya playlists sorted. Well, it’s been another funny old week,Manure back Gollum….which means the smirking...


Friday & Saturday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Good evening chaps and chapette and welcome to the 4KK public house. The days fly by until we fill the bar with song and the consumption of much Alcohol or/and...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Can ya Adam & Eve it? It’s Fridaaaaaaaayyyyy and it’s live. We all look forward to a choon or several on a Friday night. It sets us up for the...