Author: 4ever Red


Friday night music on 4KK.

Exclusive picture of Jock’s new bathroom as it finally nears completion Another weekend approaches as we settle down in the 4KK public house.Much alcohol shall be drank or spilled this night.Next doors cat will...


The internet & 4KK. Where are we?

Embed from Getty Images Firstly, I hope I don’t ramble because it’s important I don’t. The internet is a wonderful thing. If we didn’t have it then we could not interact with people from...


Friday night music on 4KK.

It’s that time of the week again where I write a lot of nonsense. Then again it’s not only reserved to a Friday. Friday night means several things to us all.Not all the same...


Our club, OUR Liverpool.

Embed from Getty Images Liverpool FC is renowned throughout the World of football.The City is recognised for its musical heritage. What makes this City tick?It’s the people. It’s how we here embrace people from...


Friday night music on 4K.

Embed from Getty Images Friday is here. It happens once a week, apparently. It’s that time of the week where we get ratted, some do anyway and play our favourite tunes. I feel like...


The Musings of a Muser.

Embed from Getty Images I couldn’t decide on a title but I remember a very nice post from Jerry last night saying he likes my musing. I suppose it’s a better title than, “The...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Fooksake, is it Friday already?It’s that time of the week where we share a few tunes and plenty of laughs. Or should that be a few laughs and plenty of...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images It’s that time of the week again where the pub fills up The 4KK crew dance on tables and kick them over at times, but you always pick them up...


Friday night music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images Well fook me twice on Sundays. It’s Friday already.The pub is open. Late bar, obviously. Where has the week gone?Stu won again. ( He pays me shit loads to write...


Trials of the Wild, Part 2.

Embed from Getty Images At the side of a small forest where the pride would be safe Ingozi walked towards an elder, one of his Father’s friends, Defanial and expressed his displeasure with the...