Category: Match Day


Liverpool vs Ajax

Embed from Getty Images Like Atalanta, Ajax was a Greek mythical figure a great hero who was heavily involved in the Trojan wars. In the end though he went a bit funny and thought...


Liverpool vs Atalanta

Embed from Getty Images Win this game and we’re straight through to the group stages and can focus on saving our key players over the Christmas period and getting as many of our injured...


Liverpool vs Lycestersurelynot

Thank goodness the International break is over though a a result we have lost both Salah and Hendo 😉 Fortunately, we have a much better squad these days and I am confident will still...


Man City vs Liverpool

Next up City and it would be good to go into the International break leading the way in the League and top of our CL group knowing too that we will have Fab and...


Atalanta vs Liverpool

Embed from Getty Images Atalanta was a devotee of the goddess Artemis. She was known as a fleet footed huntress and devout virgin. In order to win her hand in marriage potential suitors had...


Liverpool vs WHU?

Next up it’s David Cameron’s favourite team Aston Villa Burnley West Ham United or the fookin ‘ammers as Dave likes to call them. I understand that Antonio will not be playing for West Ham...


Liverpool vs Midtjylland

Sorry about that my keyboard went a bit mad there and just printed some random letters until I managed to regain control at the end and added land. I have no idea how to...


Liverpool vs Sheffield United

Right it’s nearly time for us to put Sheffield United to the sword (see what I did there?). Yes they are known as the blades because Sheffield was one time the steel centre of...


Ajax vs Liverpool

Well we’ve just got to get on with things now. Whilst VVD will be a big loss to the side we still have great quality in every position (except maybe goalkeeper;-)) and no team...