Category: Match Day


Liverpool vs Chelsea

Thirty years of hurt will finally end tomorrow night when Captain fantastic does a quick shuffle and then lifts the Premier League Trophy triumphantly above his head. The last time we won it Me,...


Arsenal vs Liverpool

Embed from Getty Images I don’t know if I have mentioned this before but I really don’t like Arsenal. Charlie George in 1971 and Michael Thomas 1989. Ok yes I might have mentioned it...


Liverpool vs Burnley

It doesn’t seem that long ago since we last played Burnley but here we are again with a home game against the clarets and their World famous mascot Bertie Bee. As you will recall...


Brighton vs Liverpool

Embed from Getty Images Right the matches are coming thick and fast (just how Jock likes his women) and now that the coronavirus has been defeated, like the rest of the Country (and other...


Liverpool vs Aston Villa

I fear I may have jinxed things again in the last match by referring to liverpool by their newly won title so I am going to revert to just referring to them as Liverpool....


Liverpool vs Crystal Palace

Embed from Getty Images I think it can only a matter of time before Klopp goes to the Palace to collect an honorary knighthood but for the time being the Palace is coming to...


Everton vs Liverpool

What a match to restart the season with. It’s like starting the season all over again, except this time with a 22 point lead :-). Teams always start the season with a passion so...


Man City vs Arsenal

Embed from Getty Images This is a filler article as the previous thread has topped 1000 comments and it might now be a good idea to leave some of the politics behind in the...