Category: Music Night


Friday & Saturday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Good evening chaps and chapette and welcome to the 4KK public house. The days fly by until we fill the bar with song and the consumption of much Alcohol or/and...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Can ya Adam & Eve it? It’s Fridaaaaaaaayyyyy and it’s live. We all look forward to a choon or several on a Friday night. It sets us up for the...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Exclusive picture of Jock’s new bathroom as it finally nears completion Another weekend approaches as we settle down in the 4KK public house.Much alcohol shall be drank or spilled this night.Next doors cat will...


Friday night music on 4KK.

It’s that time of the week again where I write a lot of nonsense. Then again it’s not only reserved to a Friday. Friday night means several things to us all.Not all the same...


Friday night music on 4K.

Embed from Getty Images Friday is here. It happens once a week, apparently. It’s that time of the week where we get ratted, some do anyway and play our favourite tunes. I feel like...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Fooksake, is it Friday already?It’s that time of the week where we share a few tunes and plenty of laughs. Or should that be a few laughs and plenty of...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images It’s that time of the week again where the pub fills up The 4KK crew dance on tables and kick them over at times, but you always pick them up...


Friday night music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images Well fook me twice on Sundays. It’s Friday already.The pub is open. Late bar, obviously. Where has the week gone?Stu won again. ( He pays me shit loads to write...


Friday night music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images,/p> G’day chaps and chapette,It’s Friday and that can only mean one thing, a night in the 4KK public house were the music flows like a fast moving waterfall. Well, Messi...


Friday night music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images Another weekend approaches where the 4KK crew meet up in the pub. What’s been happening then?Stu finally didn’t win a bicycle race. The 4KK Fantasy footy squad has been announced...