Category: Opinions


International Breaks

International breaks. Normally, they’re about as welcome as a fart in a lift (which is wrong on so many levels… 🙂 )… But, this one just might come at a good time for our...


And breathe…

Embed from Getty Images Sorry troops you’ll have to make do with more of my lunchtime musings while I’m still on call at work. Our first defeat of the season then, against the high...


Mo and his contract.

Embed from Getty Images There’s been lots of opinions discussed over Mo’s new contract, so I thought I’d highlight the debate by opening up the discussion with this article. What is Mo Salah worth?This...


Football and Mental Health

ARTICLE BY MATTY Embed from Getty Images As we all know, Harvey Elliott recently suffered a horrific-looking injury against Leeds United.Now, having seen the mentality that young Harvey possesses, I don’t think any of...


What price football?

Embed from Getty Images Depending on your perspective, the news that Newcastle had been taken over by Saudi Arabia is either just another example of the market place pushing the game onwards and upwards...


“Sir” Roger Hunt

This is a short and belated tribute to one of the Liverpool greats which cannot begin to do justice to his achievements in the game. Leaving those footballing achievements to one side for a...