Category: The Muse


New Year’s Eve music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images It’s goodbye to 2021 and a cautious hello to 2022.2021 has had its moments, it’s obvious sad times too. Jock and Gord found new love, Greg to but he went...


Christmas on 4KK music night.

Embed from Getty Images Different title, but hey, I’ve been a lazy fooker. It is Friday though. Merry Christmas to all you wonderful people.!You really have made this site what it is and what...


Friday night music on 4KK.

Friggin Friday again, where does the time go? The 4KK public house is open for business, a late bar as usual. Well, what a week.The Mighties had a decent week. Beating Wolves in injury...


Friday music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images It’s here, it’s time, it’s that night, day/night of the week where we fall asleep on the couch, or in the virtual world of the 4KK pub….We fall asleep on...


Friday music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images G’day 4KK Crew.Here we are again. Friday wouldn’t be Friday without the music. The 4KK public house is again open for business. Well, it’s been a funny old week.The smirking...


Planet Earth.

Embed from Getty Images Let me begin with, I’m not one for stats, that’s Matty’s department. It’s difficult where to begin. There are so many points of interest from the beginning of humankind, after...


Friday music on 4KK.

Embed from Getty Images Music on a Friday has become earlier in recent weeks in order for our Ginge to participate. We’re always happy to accommodate the Community. The doors are once again swung...


Friday night music on 4KK

Embed from Getty Images Here we are again, it’s Friday and its music time.It only seems like five minutes ago I wrote the last one. It’s been a funny old week.We completed battered the...