Covid, the present and the future.

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Watered down version coz I fooked up the original.

I’ve not been around for a couple of days due to working double shifts between a couple of sites. I’ve returned home, watched Anne ( recorded ), gone to bed n then got up again for the next 14 hour shift. Starts again tomorrow until we get some people back from isolation.

The “Outbreak” began here in 2020 though it was formally referred to the 2019 virus, which obviously it is.

So many questions with no real long term solutions.

How do we as a Nation or even a World population stem the flow of infections?

This by the way is just me shooting from the hip. The article I previously wrote and ridiculously lost was written with different words but the point remains the same.

We are all wondering where this will end or in fact will it ever end.
No one knows, not even the scientists.
They will I’m in no doubt tweak the Vax to minimise the potency of the virus but is that actually going to irradicate it?

Omicron variant is allegedly less life threatening as Delta and yet we are seeing a exponential rise in hospitalisations.
Therefore is Omicron as weak as first thought? Evidently not.

Now we have a new variant called IHU, which has been discovered in South of France. Will it be as contagious as Omicron? That is yet to be established.

There are more questions than answers or even solutions.

A city in China where ( allegedly ) the virus originated has three new cases. They’ve placed that City of 1.3 million people in lockdown.

Does the rest of the World follow?
Do we have City wide, County wide, Country wide and even simultaneous Worldwide lockdowns to cease the spread?
Again, more questions than solutions.

Is this nature’s way of culling the human race?
I doubt it.

Is this the human race not giving a shite about anything other than themselves?
Well they always have cared little for anything other than themselves.

Back to football.
Our match tomorrow has been postponed due to lack of available players.
Sundays match will go the same way.
What about next week?
The players and coaching staff that already have the virus will no doubt be fine by next Thursday ( fitness not so much ).
So do we believe all will be Rosey in the Covid garden?
How many more players and staff will be infected long before, just before or during next Thursday?

What about OFCON?
Should we have played the Euro’s?
Probably not but the virus wasn’t as contagious as this Omicron variant.
Last season not many players caught it, this season every fooker is catching it.

Questions, questions.
Do we suspend the season?
If so, do we extend the season to accommodate all the postponed games?
Take into consideration the ( pointless ) Nations league begins this summer. Do we cancel it? Postpone it? Relocate it to an already crazy year where the World cup will be played in Anger in a Country that has no footballing history? They do have a shed load of money though and FIFA are very grateful for that, corrupt twats but that’s another story.

This virus isn’t going away, ever. Once one thinks it’s either under control or herd ammunity will kick in then the clever bastard mutates again.

Do we treat it like a common cold, which also has different variants?
Do we shut the World down?
Do we essentially do a deep clean?

Life will never be the same for us. The young, especially the very young will grow up with this virus in their lives and mindset because they will never know how life was before it.

Anyway, this is not exactly what I typed earlier ( before I accidentally fooked it up ) but the question is the same.

What the fook do we do?
How will we progress through this virus when it’s obviously not going away?

Omicron was supposed to be less fatal and yet we have a 69% increase in hospital admissions in the last week alone.

What are your thoughts on this?

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