Friday gossip and music.

I was gonna write something new for our Friday pizza eating session but I’ve had a bit of a bad couple of days.
My intention was to introduce a gossip and music day but hey, all hell broke loose recently.
For example, I had a flood cascading down my friggin wall, well it was more from my ceiling onto my carpet actually. I’m not one to gossip but I think there are illegal goings on happening upstairs. If I had a ladder tall enough I’d put a glass to the ceiling to listen to the shananagans, then again I’d probably get wet through the ears.
As you know and as I said ⬆️ I’m not one to gossip…..

but apparently Jerry has traded in his Porsche for something more, shall we say eco friendly.

Personally I’m not convinced that’s actually eco friendly. It looks kinda painful if I’m honest. But hey, what do I know🤷.
As I mentioned ⬆️⬆️, I’m not one to gossip …..but according to Oscar G’Doc, Finchy and Matty all met up and drank 🍺, lots of 🍺🍺🍺🍺 even though one of them is underage. I’d spout who is the underage drinker but I’m not one to gossip. Your secret is safe Matty.
Jock called my 4KK news hotline earlier to mention he’s getting married in the near future. He asked me to keep it quiet under pain of death. As I’m not one to gossip I’ll keep that secret safe. Noone likes a gossip, least of all me. Fooknose why he called the 4KK newsline hotline phoney thingy🤷. Next doors 🐈 could have answered that n we all know she likes a gossip.
Alan and Conor met up earlier today to……..I can’t actually reveal what they did because I’m not a friggin gossip…..but they did go to the pub, got ratted and verbally abused a 😺.

Next doors 🐈’s mum isn’t happy to hear that. Be afraid Conor and Alan, be very afraid.
As I’m not one to gossip I’ll close this down now because it’s not the gossip that gets you, it’s the people you gossip about that get you, so said Asif when his 🐎 got chatting to another 🐎 in the pub the other day. Have you ever tried carrying two horses on your back? Asif found out it’s not a pleasurable experience.
Its Friday so pop in for a gossip of simply post some music instead.
You know you love a bit of gossip.
Hit the fooking thing! 🤷
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