Friday Gossip & Music.

This Weeks Gossip column .

After Wednesday’s debacle Wayne ( grab a granny ) Rooney conducted an interview shortly after the match.

With the aid of a interpreter he said. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it’s a great night………errrrrrrrrr. Its been errrrrrrrrrrrr quite a few years since we won a trophy. The errrrrrrrrrrrrrr fans are happy tonight.

When it was pointed out that beating Liverpool doesn’t constitute winning a trophy unless in a final, which they haven’t done….ever. He said, scratchings his fat baldy head, Errrrrrrrrrr, you mean we’ve not won the league then? He looked obviously confused, which isn’t difficult for the thick bastard. The reporter gave him a slap and a kick in his bellies before leaving. Granny fiddler called his mummy……in tears.

In other gossip,

Liverpool FC are driving me to this stuff,

not that I’ve ever needed an excuse, obviously.

Jock was going to write a post match thread but then decided if the players can’t be arsed playing then he can’t be arsed writing an article about the players not being arsed playing.

Jock called Stu to give him the news. Stu was on his way back from the shops at the time when his phone wrang, or is it rangšŸ¤· when this happened,

Once Stu regained his composure and after checking the street to see if anyone was watching he called my secretary to give her the bad news. She was like,

This is the real reason why Jock couldn’t be arsed writing an article, n no it’s not gossip, it’s fact. I have the pictures and everything šŸ˜.

His wee lady had shit loads of fun shaving his eyebrows and then drawing them back on with eyeliner. I do like her sense of humour.

Pop on in to share your own gossip or play some music instead.

Hit it!

How the actual fook are those letters falling over? Ratted, no doubt.

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