Friday Gossip & Music.

Friday Gossip & Music.

……..Said John after his opp.

This weeks Gossip.

Wazza, also know as Shrek, not forgetting his SD username Peppa Pgg, stated in a couple of sentences ( that took him two hours to release from his thick brain ) he doesn’t actually bang grannies anymore. Probably because he’s a fat bastard and can’t see beyond his fat gut. Personally I believe he’s still partial to a granny if they hang around long enough for him to get his fooking words out. That as we all know could take hours.

7 Hag popped onto the pitch last night after their match with Saudi United, luckily it wasn’t raining coz it would have taken hours for his hair to dry if it was. Waterfalls from the roof are a bitch, apparently. Anyway, no fooker heard a word he said due to them booing the shite out of the gobshite. Give the man an 8 year contract I says… Oh that’s Chavs department.

Speaking of Chavs, that boily, booly, trolly…… whatever his fooking name is is rather annoyed Chavs will probably be playing in Europe next season. He’s absolutely furious they’ll have to pay up a transfer fee with in 5 years. He stressed he hopes it’s only for a season so they can get back to business in a year. Gobshite, whatever the fook your name is ya clueless……well….. gobshite.

In other Gossip,

Kloppleganger won the World best bullshitter award for no less than the 5th time running.

I’ve obviously lodged an appeal with the World institution of the bullshitting society. Can ya believe I wasn’t even nominated🤷. Oscar was in the running but he finished 3rd. I’m unable for data protection reasons to reveal who finished 2nd. Therefore I won’t mention he drives a Porsche and resides in Hampshire….. Sorry Jerry, next doors 🐈 made me say it.

As mentioned up top John got his eyes fixed today. He mailed me earlier to say now that he can actually see what I write he’s gonna put me in touch with a good doctor. Thanks John, that would be appreciated coz my doctors are fooking shite.

Paul has cancelled the 4KK crews flights to Peru for our end of season celebrations due to the fact we only won a banana split and the league cup. Well thanks anyway Paul, we hope you got a full refund. Though judging by the plane I think we got off lightly, perhaps we wouldn’t have got off at all.

I’m sure you all have much gossip to discuss on all kinds of subjects. Well fire away and share the gos. If not then you can always post some music instead.

Hit it!

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