Friday Gossip & Music.

This weeks gossip,

It appears that SkipRats don’t only need to fix their leaky roof, they also need to returf the friggin pitch. Last week the granny fiddler played a match there, dunno what the occasion was n don’t really give a Fook to be honest. Anyway, he bounded around the pitch like Peppa Pig n with his weight issue he left shit loads of pot holes all over the place. The grounds person wasn’t best pleased. By the way I didn’t use the Peppa Pig reference without fully researching it first. Spot the resemblance?

In other gossip ,

Valarie Putrid has once again threatened to invoke repercussions if the West allow Ukraine to properly defend itself. He doesn’t want Ukraine to blitz Russia with NATO weapons but he believes it’s correct and proper to blitz Ukraine with North Korean and Iranian weapons. He’s as stupid as lil Tommy the Wally, just a little bit more dangerous, the limp dicked bastard.

Funny comment of the week, Trump suggesting Haitian immigrants are eating local 🐈’s and 🐕’s. He’d be funny if he wasn’t so insane, not to mention dangerous. You know where he belongs, right?

As always , post your gossip here, or simply play some music instead.

I had a lil problem last week so I was therefore unable to create my usual factual articles. The friggin internet said noooooooo.

Hit it!

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