Friday Gossip & Music.

This weeks gossip,

Reports filtering through to the 4KK Newsroom are that Waistcoat is being lined up to become Manager of the BlueShite, well let’s be honest he has the pedigree for the job, being shite everywhere else he’s managed.

One of my roaming reporter’s caught up with him at the ear press shop to ask, “Well, waistcoat it’s rumoured you might be taking over as Manager of the BlueShite?”

“It’s Gareth, my name is Gareth”

“Yeah, whatever. So waistcoat is there any truth in the rumour?”

Waistcoat took offence and returned to getting his ears pressed. My roaming reporter went to the pub…with Asif’s 🐎. That horse can proper drink. I’m wondering if it’s a Scottish 🐴. 😁.

In other gossip ,

Daisy the cow called Alice the Alpaca who then called next door’s 🐈. This is how I know of the phone call because next door’s 🐈 tells me everything. She can’t hold her own water, which is why I put plastic sheeting down whenever she comes to visit…… Anyfookingway, Daisy was telling Alice…who told next door’s 🐈 who told me that Mike has been proper weird lately. She said he’s bought a new bicycle and has been riding it everyday. She doesn’t know where he goes because she can’t run that fast, well she is a fat cow that’s for sure.

This is where next doors 🐈comes in. As she’s head secretary and practically runs the Newsroom Daisy asked Alice to ask next doors 🐈 if she could assign an undercover reporter on the case. Why Daisy didn’t call next door’s 🐈 direct is anyone’s guess. My theory is she wanted to put her besty Alice the Alpaca in the loop.

Alice asked next door’s 🐈 if she could manage it. Next door’s 🐈 said it wouldn’t be a problem and she’ll get onto it straight away. Alice asked if she would have to ask me for permission. Next door’s 🐈 rolled around the floor laughing before spluttering, “Ask Red? I run this place, not him. He’ll do as he’s told” I never did like that bitch.

More on this to follow, once one of my reporters assigned by her maj the 🐈 investigates.

In the meantime share your gossip or post some music instead.

Hit it!

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