Friday Gossip & Music.

This week’s gossip,

It’s been a funny old week in the gossip columns, Tommy has been named Engurland manager…..I know, right 🀷. Lil Tommy will be calling all the shots in future, though he’d be better off saving the fooking things coz small arms has such, well, small arms.

Tommy wanted to manage Liverpool but he’s not especially good at anything really, which is no doubt why the closet fiddlers appointed Tommy Tuchel for the post. You did realise I was referring to Tommy Tuchel and not Tommy ( I am a Scouser…. honestly honest I am ) Toxteth, right?

Tuchel will, I imagine be just as good as 99.999999% of all England managers n that is pretty much shite. Thank fook I’m Scouse, not English. 😁

Apparently the on going saga with Trent, Big Virg and Mo is continuing. It appears they’re keeping their cards close to their chests. Personally I’d flog the three of them and then sell them in the summer πŸ™„.

In other gossip,

As reported last week and the week before, Stu and Mike are in training for the reintroduction of the bicycle world championship, which may happen if I’m paid enough to write another fooking series around the pond n up a fooking mountain. I am open to offers, obviously.

Anyfookingway, we left them last week riding up a hill somewhere close to Bath when some inconsiderate individual beeped the car horn, Stu looked at Mike as Mike looked at Stu…….

….. Stu said, “Is that your missus, Mike?”. Mike responded, “Yes and is that your missus sat beside my missus?” Stu nodded n said, ” Yes n we’re both fooked now. I told my missus I was only popping down to the shops to buy some milk” Mike responded, ” I told my missus I was off to feed Daisy the cow. We’re both in for it now Stu”, said Mike.

It was at that point when the car drove beside them ( it’s a narrow lane heading up the hills. Bath has hills, apparently, or somewhere close to Bath anyway 🀷) Stu tentatively peered to his right….and said, ” Hiya love, the shop down the road ( 12 miles away…ish ) was closed so I’m heading to another shop coz we really do need some milk” The expletives exchanged from Stu’s missus and Mike’s missus I am unable to post on a family site like this. One thing is for sure they won’t be getting their leg over tonight 😳.

I’m fairly certain you lot have a lil bit of gossip to share. If not then play some fooking music instead.

A shout out for Oscar whom loves Friday Gossip & Music. Cheers Oscar πŸ‘Š

Hit it!

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