Friday Gossip & Music.

It’s Friday Gossip & Music time……….

………. Unfortunately I’m on a day off n I’m going to write a pile of shite…..No change there I hear y’all say….. Bitches 😁.

Mr. Slot said he’s not especially pleased by the performance on Tuesday……he’s not alone but the holy grail is what we care about most, so fook it, the European Cup that is.

Slot even said himself ( to one of my many Merseyside reporters) that winning the league is vital, especially since it will shut those Manc bastards up ( SkipRats ). He also conveyed it will also shut up the CHEATING BASTARDS from Stockport. He knows his shit does our Arne.

Granny fiddler has come out…..and said he’s grateful for the charity bestowed upon him by Amazon Prime for giving him a voice to chat utter shite……Amazon are reviewing the situation after receiving over a million complaints in regards to a incoherent neanderthal being allowed to chat utter wham on the tele.

In other gossip,

Strange I know but it appears Asif’s horse……Darwin has found a mate….of the opposite sex…. Asif called me earlier to ask for assistance from the world renowned excellence of the 4KK Newsroom reporters. He said ( Asif that is ) he’s not seen his horse ( Darwin ) for several days….so could I help? I was like……fffs, he’s probably in the pub at the top of the mountain ( I have relayed before that Birmingham does have actual mountains )….Asif said……..”No he’s not there….I’ve checked”. …… “Dammit” I said before sending one of my most experienced reporters on the case…….though he was caught in traffic at spaghetti junction…..for several hours.

I called Knightsbridge Jerry to see if he could assist…He told me to pee off coz he’s busy. Nice…. But then Jer called me back n said, “I’m only kidding ya Scouse git…..I’m on it” He’s such a gentleman is our Jer…..

Oscar got wind of the situation (🤷 ) and promised to send a drone over Birmingham. His drone didn’t find anything…. because it ran out of battery life over the Atlantic ocean.

My excellent Merseyside reporter was still stuck in traffic but to the rescue arrives Knightsbridge Jerry….How he got there so quickly must be illegal…but Jer loves to live on the edge…..the nutter.

Stu, Mike and John also searched for Darwin. Jock was called due to his military experience but he said, “Are ya kidding me, ya wee Tolly? I’m nah going South of the border ever again……not after last time ya wee joby”……. To clarify a wee Tolly and a wee joby are the same thing…..and they’re not very nice and you might require toilet paper to clear the mess up…

Anyfookingway….Jer got to the pub ( god only knows how he managed to find it…Sat Nav (AI assisted ) is incredible these days…. and there was Stu, Mike and John…. Cust I forgot to mention was in reserve.

Knightsbridge Jerry parked his car….Stu, Mike and John chained their bicycles to railings outside a pub called ‘The last Chance Saloon’….. Then they entered…….and there was……

As I’ve mentioned before, it ore the letters and numbers, Darwin has served his time in prison.

drinking with ……..Rachel…. The dirty bugger had only found a mate.

Yes, as you can see, she chats a lot.

Jer called me as did John and Mike too to inform me Darwin has been found…..I called my shit Merseyside reporter ( who was still stuck at Spaghetti fooking junction ) to call him off the case. The dimwit should have gone through Wolverhampton instead….I’ll fire him in the morning n put on my bestest Trump ( orange cunt ) voice when doing so.

After the phone calls I came to ponder 🤔…where the fook is Stu? Mike said he’s entered another World Championship bicycle event against 80 year olds….. He’ll probably win that. The 4KK Newsroom might cover that event……if I can be arsed ( not fooking likely 🤭 ).

Anyfookingway, that’s enough from me and next doors 🐈.

Post ya Goss or your music or anything else really.

This is 4KK,

Hit it!

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