Friday music n other important stuff.


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This is becoming a weekly thing now πŸ€”.

Stu polished the brass and cleaned the glasses for your ultimate experience in the 4KK public house.
The sand pit is out of bounds due to an ice covering. Ya don’t wanna break a leg, do ya?

Well, it’s been a funny old week.
Shrek was asked if he’d pumped any grannies over in the State’s. He said one or two but they usually can’t understand a word he says. No one can understand a word you say, granny fiddler.

Naby jack the sicknote lad had a lil cry earlier… fooking change there then.

Kloppo was asked how does it feel to be a mid table club, he said it was better than being 3rd from bottom like the BlueShite. I suppose he has a point, in a warped kinda way.

Anyway, back to the music.

We here at the 4KK pub enjoy music from the 4 Korners of the planet so share it, like you normally do πŸ‘.
Or simply pop in for a chat.

Next doors 🐈 and next door but ones πŸ• will be on the door tonight incase we have trouble like we had last week.
A couple of marauding owls attempted to raid the pub in just after midnight. Most of you had taken your ( expensive ) taxis home but I saw them….I knew I saw them and I know they were after my nuts……the ones I’d dished out in bowls on the bar. Not this week, no not a chance. Our security team will see to that, have no fooking fear.

The taxi’s have been cleaned and fuelled for your convenience.

This is 4KK where music is louder than a banshee wailing like……..well, a banshee 🀷.

Hit it!

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