Friday night frolics…and a lil 🎵 too.
Well, I’ve just picked up my new spectacles, so now I can see the shite I write…again 😳.

The pub doors are open once again and ready for your business. I’ve even built a smooch corner for Jock and his good lady….it’s right next to the sand pit. Jock won’t be pleased having to keep a eye on Conor and Jerry’s antics…..oh well.
Life can be a strange old thing.You wake up… stuff……and then go back to bed, unless you work nights like Romps does then you do the above in reverse order…. obviously.
There’s been a lot going on in the news this week. Asif took his horse for a walk……I know this is not news coz he does that everyday but he was trying to teach him to walk on water like King Kenny can. It didn’t work obviously and the horse could have drowned if the paddling pool was any deeper.
Anyfookingway, back to the music,
We here at the 4KK public house enjoy music from the 4 Korners of the planet. We also like to chat alot about really weird topics…..such as footy, but hey it’s okay, mine’s a pint of Carling, thanks.
Todays theme is music from the 1920’s. Mike and Greg can help us out here, the ald gits 😁.
Without further a thingy it’s time to hit those decks….or wind them up, if your Greg or Mike.
The taxi’s have been cleaned and fuelled for your convenience.
This 4KK where music matters to those that like music. Bit obvs. I know.
Hit it!
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