Friday night music on 4KK.


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Fooknose how Friday arrived so swiftly after last Friday. It seems last Friday was only a week ago, though some thought it was Friday yesterday…..I know 🤷. Fooking nutters. I was ready to send the 🐧🐧in but next doors 🐈 advised against it, bitch.

It’s been a funny old week, I’ll be working extra hours over the next few days. I wasn’t happy about it until Stu mentioned the money…I almost feel like I’ve prostituted myself now…without the sexual contact part…. obviously.

I heard a new saying this week, I can’t remember it all but it was trickle down something or other. The last time I trickled down anything I was banned from my local pub . Didn’t like the fooking place anyway n the carpet now knows it.

Anyway, back to the music. The doors of the 4KK public house are open to welcome you all in…..Stu fixed the creaking door last week, Jock supervised as I tasted our new line in beer….Stu mentioned it’s the same as last week. I did point out it was a new barrel and I was taste checking it to ensure it wasn’t poisonous. Jock shouted it’s Carling…..of course it’s poisonous….Next doors 🐈 gave him one of her stares. She’s better at stares than I am.
Unfortunately the toilets are out of action tonight but we have placed a bucket…. several actually in the beer garden at the rear of the pub. We never stop caring about your comfort? We can’t have y’all gagging for a pee….it might put you off buying the 🍺.

As you know….(.if you don’t know by now you might have a memory issue but don’t be alarmed I get them after 20 cans of Carling…it’s no biggy )..we here in the 4KK pub enjoy music from the 4 Korners of the planet so post away your wonderful (cough ) stuff from all over the fooking place.
A lil bit of cheese is welcome too, my favourite is Red Leicester tbh but hey we’re not that fussy n my mansion still isn’t completed.

Pop on in, post your shit ( that means good or summat in American, apparently ) music or simply pop in for a chat. We have recently installed chatting chairs at the rear of the pub…in the beer garden close to the buckets…please empty the buckets when full..well you will be closest to them. Oh and the chairs don’t actually chat, they are there for you to sit on whilst you chat…Chatting chairs? Are you mad 🤷.

Forgotten where the fook I was now, fffs. Too much Carling, apparently.

The taxis have been cleaned and fuelled for your convenience.

This is 4KK where music is louder than a fart in a library.

N don’t forget ya friggin predictions.

Hit it!

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