Friday night music on 4KK.


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It’s Friday, ‘appy fooking days.

Music nights allow us to post music that feel close to our hearts but also releases new music we’ve never heard before. Some we like, some we might not like so much but all are delivered and received with respect.

This site allows us to express opinion, debate, agreement and disagreement. This site unifies it’s ( your ) community with the betterment of humankind. It allows us a platform to express our views, our opinions. This is music night and we shall play our music. Once I shut the f up obviously.

A couple of shout outs before I write my usual nonsense.

A shout out to Mike and his wife and their nephew. I’m sure the lad is doing great in the company of amazing people. Respect Mike for all you’ve done and continue to do for your family and beyond.

A massive shout out to Greg. You’re a proper soldier of life Greg and my respect for you knows no bounds.
You’re a rockstar my mate and a figurehead of how to enjoy life as best you can throughout the obstacles thrown in your path. Massive respect to you Greg and Mike.

Should I get back to the music? I’m probably writing the wrong things on a music thread but I write how I feel, when I feel it but I promise to shut me cake hole in a minute or 50 .No fooking one reads it anyway 😂.

The beauty of life is people. People that create friendships and care for friends one may not have actually met. I’m fortunate to have met a few of our 4KK crew but for those that I’ve not yet met I adore you all as though I have met each and everyone of you.

Anyway back to the music. It’s a funny old world we live in. Music to some is not music to others, which makes us all unique in our own way. Music can make you feel so happy and yet so sad too. I’m sure many of you hear a certain song and it takes you back to a moment in your life. Certain songs do that for me to.

Let’s spend some time tonight posting songs that bring back memories from times gone by. Unfortunately or fortunately 🤷 I won’t be around til past 9pm coz I’ve got a fooking late…..again.

This is 4KK, a unique site that actually creates friends. Let’s make this a special night amongst friends. This is 4KK where your music is loudest.

Hit it!

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