Friday night music on 4KK.

Ten Haag is strutting his stuff again ⬆️.
Friday has crept up on us once again, it’s naughty like that. Tonight’s theme is the same as always, I’m not one for change so post what the fook you want to post.
As you might be aware we enjoy music from the 4 Korners of the planet so fill ya boots. It’s been rather hot over here recently and not much requirement for boots but I do suggest you don’t fill your flip flops…..or if you’re posh like Knightsbridge Jerry, your sliders coz it will make a terribly terrible mess on your floor.
Anyway, share your tunes or simply pop in for a chat. Remember off topic is on topic.
The taxi’s have been cleaned and fuelled for your convenience.
This is 4KK where music is kinda good.
Hit it!
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