Mane Mane Mane

Now try and get that earworm out of your mind

Well I was pretty pissed off after the CL final both the result and the scenes outside but now I’m even more pissed off. How have we got ourselves in the situation that Mane wants to leave and why? Well, I am going to speculate a bit here, but if I can’t do that here, where can I ?

Ok, we know he’s never really got on that well with Salah, so that might have a bit to do with it and Salah certainly gets more attention than him, but then he does get more goals too…šŸ˜I doubt that’s the main reason though for him looking to get out, but it might have added to the feeling that he’s underappreciated by the club.

More importantly in my mind though is that the club seemed slow to engage with him about a new contract and that might have made him think they weren’t that bothered and weren’t going to give him the sort of contract he deserves. Add in the fact that Salah is already on twice his salary and I can see why he might be miffed. It probably doesn’t help too that everyone keeps going on about Salah’s contract rather than his. The fact that talks stalled supports the view that they weren’t on the same song sheet.

I read a comment from someone who noted that the club is known to be professional in everything it does. So, you have to wonder if this is a part of a deliberate policy. Maybe they have weighed up the pros and cons and decided that they will not offer bumper contracts, even to their best players, when they are edging into their 30s. Perhaps their algorithms say it’s better to keep a check on wages by either selling them when they enter their final year or even letting them run down their contracts and leave on a free (Salah and Firmino to follow?). It’s a risky strategy but so far they have got most things right. However, it’s one thing to drag a club up to the top but it’s a lot more difficult to keep them there. But then perhaps they can keep throwing sixes in the transfer market.

I am biased because I want all our players to become legends and see out their careers with us. I want them all to be the next Kenny Dalglish, John Barnes, Stevie G or Michael Owen (ok, maybe not Mikey, but you get my drift). I don’t suppose we’ll see another Ian Callaghan (857 games) who played on into his 60s (joke! Nearly 40 though). I hate to see my favourite players going on to play for other clubs, but maybe that sentimentality that drew me to a club like Liverpool is just now just an outdated notion that has no place in the new cut throat corporate world of football in the 21st century.

I see some views already backing the club over the player though none of us know what has gone on behind the scenes. Maybe in time we’ll get another side to the whole story. What do you think?

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