The life and times of…… door but ones 🐕.

A long, long time ago in the land of make believe lived a 🐕 and a 🐈. They were neighbours but hardly ever spoke to each other. It’s a sad tale of unallowable love.

Back in the day 🐈’s and 🐕’s were forbidden to even be friends because it wasn’t the done thing many, many years ago. It was a given that a 🐕 would chase a 🐈. It’s how it has always been………until…………

One morning a few years here since next door but ones dog was all alone in the house because his owners had fooked off out for the day and left him with no food nor water. He peered through the window wondering when they’d be back. If they were not back soon he would be unable to not leave a deposit.

Thats actually an old photo from when he was a puppy but I think you’ll understand what the deposit he left is.

It was some hours later when he returned to the window. He was amazed, he was kind of smitten, in a dogging….I mean doggy kinda way. He saw the most amazing creature known to 🤷. He watched as she paraded her stuff up and down the street. She was free. She wasn’t trapped in a house where the owners fook off for hours on end, to return and have to clear up a deposit…no she was as free as free can be. He had to escape, he simply had to meet this thing of beauty he had become besotted with.

He hatched a plan.

He barked like crazy, like he’s never barked before. He had to attract her attention. Unfortunately she wet herself, briefly before fleeing.

Next door but ones 🐕 was like, fook that didn’t go to plan. So he smashed the widow with his robust frame and rescued his damsel in distress. What a guy, hey?🙄

Next doors 🐈was ever so grateful…….. she scratched next door but ones 🐕 across the face. It was then that he knew he was in love.

Days passed in to weeks as weeks passed in to months. They spent every opportunity together, as much as they could as it’s forbidden for dogs and cats to be in love.

They’d go hunting together, shopping, out to bars, though the bars didn’t always go to plan…..


She would always get other’s to buy the drinks for them both. Not always wise but hey, next doors 🐈 likes living on the edge. Next door but ones 🐕 just went along with whatever she said.

Time again passed. The two became inseparable. Next door but ones 🐕 had a key filed ( next doors 🐈 did that with her rather large nails ) so he could escape at the drop of a meow.

They appeared to be happy, but like anyone in life it’s not always as rosey in the garden as one would like the neighbours to believe.

They had their fall outs, as we all do. Sometimes they even required intervention….

After several weeks of therapy they became closer than ever.

They’d go skydiving together, sailing the rapids on the Mersey 🙄. But they were together. That’s all that matters, apparently.

Life Was blissfully bliss for them both…..until the day next door but ones 🐕 asked next doors 🐈 to marry him……

Perhaps not such a happy ending after all.

If you read all that then you deserve a friggin medal.

if you didn’t read it all then next doors 🐈 is gonna come looking for you.

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