The Musings of a Muser.

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I couldn’t decide on a title but I remember a very nice post from Jerry last night saying he likes my musing. I suppose it’s a better title than, “The ramblings of a tosser”. Or something really derogatory.

Anyway, I’ve got no clue where the fook I’m going with this. I won’t know where it went once I post it, after our resident David Bailey ( that’s Stu) adds a picture.

Let’s talk random shit, from the state of the British economic development to the indigenous beetle trying to cusp a living in the African desert….or let’s not, actually let’s definitely not.

Cry babies do my nut in, especially rich bitches like Lionel ( I want to leave…….no I want to stay 😭) Messi.
What a lil bitch he is. I’d elaborate but I can’t coz I’m only rambling, or musing as my new bestie Jerry would put it.😂

As the Manager of our 4KK Fantasy footy team I’ve had a word with our coach driver, Soop in regards to him flitting off of the team coach to sell tickets. I explained I wasn’t happy with my 5% cut. We’ve agreed to up it to 7%.

In the news today,
An Alpaca has been murdered, we’ll put down actually. I hope Alice isn’t watching the news.

Stu has confessed he’s going out on his bike today. Jock has asked him to not terrorise motorists……again. Poor spelling on terrorise but ask me if I care.

Conor has been busy building fences. He’s good at it but says he’ll get a proper job soon. That was uncalled for. Sorry Mr. Assistant Manager 😳🤣👍.

DaBandit has stated he’s looking forward to the snow to dig up doggie Doo. It’s a old joke but it can still hold a chuckle.

Liverpool FC.
Our club, from any position in the World is OUR club.
We support this great Club from the 4 Korners of the planet.

This club, as I’m sure many clubs do, ( excluding Manure, Cheats, Chavs and many many more ) create friendships and bonds between fellow Reds.
This site creates an alternative to just chatting footy.

This is one of the few sites to actively encourage the Community to post their own articles. Ya can actually fooking swear too. That works for me, for obviously obvious reasons.

The bond we have created here, the bond you amazing people have created is heart warming to say the least.

You have taken this site to your heart’s and no one could ever expect more than that.

As ya know I ramble or muse😳 a bit, which is exactly what I’m doing now.
Well I did say I’d chat a lot of bollocks. At least you know I didn’t lie.

The site is still growing which is incredible.
A huge 4KK welcome to our latest additions to the 4KK crew and a shout out to all of you that take the time to enjoy the utter lunacy here.
I’d say we’re all mad but it might just be me.

My last new signing of this window has just been completed. Conor just called to confirm the arrival of KloppiteE. He’ll be contesting for the RW spot.

Anyway, I’ll finish this up in a minute coz there’s only so much rambling folk can take.

Are we gonna win the league?
Hell yes.

Are we gonna win the hearts and minds of the doubters?
Some live for doubt and negativity.

Is the sun going to shine upon the Fields of Anfield Road?
That depends on cloud cover but our hearts and minds shine brighter than any cloudy day.

The moon shall smile upon us as the stars in the night sky glisten for Liverpool FC and all that follow our club.

We shall rejoice in the Glory of Victory once we climb that mountain once more.

We shall place our flag upon its highest point.
We shall look towards the heavens clasping our holy grail and cheer.
We shall acknowledge the fight. We shall sigh in the beauty of a difficult war that has been won.

We are who?
We are???

We are LIVERPOOL n fook the rest.

I’ll shut the fook up now.

We are the 4KK Crew.
We are known throughout the World👊.

Last word.

One of our own is suffering right now.

For GDoc, the entire 4KK Crew is routing for you and your family.

check in as soon as you are able to brother.👊

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