Trials of the Wild. Part 1.

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A Short Story I wrote in 2014.

In a land far, far away, living, existing was a daily fear exasperating to a degree far beyond the bounds of normality and yet this was normality for the living beings upon this beautiful but dangerous part of our World.

This particular Country, like so many other Countries in this region have problems far belying what people would believe and perhaps not care too much about. The lands were fertile with a diverse abundance of species which encourages the eco system to thrive. There was one thing, one species standing in its way. One thing systematically taking apart the building blocks of mother nature and it’s natural cycle of life. The species is MANKIND!

Poachers would flock in their droves to make a quick buck without realising the consequences of the devastation they were inflicting upon this land and the amazing array of life living within. They didn’t actually care if a species became extinct,they merely wanted the money.. Greed has hindered mankind since mankind left the forest.

Poaching was becoming more aggressive as each year turned. It became a blight on all animals that possessed tusks or horns. Ivory is king for the poacher…………………..

Ingozi woke from his restless sleep, thanking his god he was still alive. He caresses his partner with his trunk, thanking God she was safe. His partner is called Alonia. Their child had to be woken as he was still a young Elephant and had stayed up long after his bedtime last night. Mbozi stared, he was not happy to be woken by his father’s snout crashing upon his head. He rose to his tiny feet and gave his father a knowing stare. Ingozi trumpeted through his trunk, almost as though in laughter.

The family were situated in a place with mountains in the distance and plains around with trees to protect them from the ever increasing fury of the sun. The heat was becoming more intense and Ingozi nines by instinct he had to remove his family from this place until Winter would return. The water holes were becoming dry and the land was not fertile as the heat had drained all life from the food they need to eat in order to sustain life in this harsh, yet beautiful place.

When Ingozi was young his father Murach would take the pride of Elephants in the long journey through the ancient pathways north to drinking grounds to preserve the continuation of lifeblood..
On these travels Murach would teach Ingozi the ways of life and the threat danger beheld upon their species, endemically caused by Man. He taught Ingozi to fear man and go steer clear of this two footed beast that wanted to destroy anything that could create wealth with no conscience for the actions of nature and the eco system that would fall apart due to this greed.

Ingozi is now leader of this pride. He had woken his family and now it was time to move his pride of twenty Elephants over the plains and through sparse forest to pastures aplenty for the sustenance of life.

He rallied his pride with a trumpet call. All rose and looked to Ingozi for the path to water. The journey would be difficult but Elephants have made this trip for hundreds of years. The teaching of forefathers is instilled in the memory banks of the elephant.

The journey begins………….Mbozi asks his father why do they have to move, he is a young Elephant and does not yet understand the need for migration, but in years to come if he survives the poachers he will learn from his father, whom learned from his father and he father before him.

Ingozi raised his trunk in admonishment. He understands his child is young and may not survive the hundreds of miles they will trek but he has a duty to his pride that his father left him with when he was killed five years ago by Poachers. The recollection of that day will never leave Ingozi. He witnessed the butchery from the bush, which determines him to ensure he keeps his pride safe from harm. He has huge tusks, a poachers delight. A single tusk to this day can profit a poacher to the worth of £50,000. These beautiful creatures do not stand a chance unless they are protected.

Ingozi begins the journey to their summer grounds where they can eat and drink with no fear of starvation. Alonia walks beside him. Mbozi almost between his parents legs, running at times to keep his little legs up to the pace. The pride follow with their children. They trust in Ingazi as he has the heritage of his father to guide him.

They venture through bushland and slender forest. A few waterholes still possess water, though not many, just enough to sustain a twenty strong pride for another day. The land was sparse and dry. The sky is blue, the sun was baking. There was no breeze to cool the prides brittle skin. Many of the younger Elephants were beginning to question the wisdom of Ingozi. This was only their first few days into their journey. Ingozi would have to appease the dissent quickly………………………..

Final part to follow soon. This is only the beginning. Stay tuned to 4KK drama, it all happens here. Seriously though it’s a big read so I’ll post the rest of it soon. Do you want to know what happens to the pride? You’ll find out later…..

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