Trials of the Wild, Part 2.

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At the side of a small forest where the pride would be safe Ingozi walked towards an elder, one of his Father’s friends, Defanial and expressed his displeasure with the pride. Defanial looked to Ingozi and stressed it was natural for the pride to be afraid and it was up to Ingozi to guide them through treacherous lands. No one should not and will not question Ingozi and his intentions for the preservation of the pride his father entrusted him with.

The pride settled for the night close to a tree lined but mostly open space. Ingozi patrolled the area before feeling at peace. It appeared there were no poachers in the region this night. The pride had eaten little on the journey but they had eaten some. They had drank and all were healthy. Alonia peered within her partner’s eyes and proclaimed he had done a good job, so far. Mbozi simply wanted to sleep, which he did.

Morning broke. Ingozi heard a noise so loud from above within the morning sky. He raised his trunk and trumpeted a alert signal for the pride to rise and move on swiftly. He was in fear for his pride. The booming din was intense. The pride strode to feet and began to run towards their migration lands. It would take many days to reach. The sapping of energy could be fateful for some, especially the young ones and elders. Ingozi was sure they were under attack……………POACHERS, he thought. He must save his pride by all means. If he has to charge with his tusks at fighting point and lose his life in the process then he will do just that to preserve the continuity of his pride. He remembered his father’s words, “Do not show weakness in the face of adversity. Never betray your pride for self preservation, if you do then you lose their respect, ultimately being exiled as a weak leader”. Ingozi didn’t need to remember his father’s words as he is his father in spirit and heart.

The pride moved on but the sound, the whooshing noise above remained. The noise above followed their every movements. Ingozi searched his mind for a solution that his father had taught him. He had heard this deafening sound before but could not place its meaning. Mbozi asked his father what was that sound? Ingozi looked to his young son and proclaimed, ” It doesn’t matter what that is, they will have to kill me to get to you and our pride”. Mbozi raised his trunk and gave the loudest trumpet he has ever given. It was off key, he requires more practice.

Unbeknown to Ingozi the sound above was from a aerial patrol protecting endangered animals. The organisation has followed this pride for five years, ever since Murach was discovered dead upon the plains of this vast Country.

Not only did Murach give the tools for Ingozi to find his way through the ancient elephant pathways to feed and water his pride, Murach’s death and subsequent defiling of his tusks has given this pride protection from mankind by decent people that care for the environment and living species that have the right to live a natural life without fear nor hinder.

Ingozi continued his amazing journey to the waterholes and wetlands in the north. His son was growing and learning by his side. His partner Alonia was so proud she had met the elephant that was so strong in will and mind.

Ingozi continued to take the pride on their way to a place of sustenance. They peered upon a tower of Giraffes. They passed a crash of Rhino’s and a leap of Leopards through the long journey to drink and feed. The Giraffes greeted Ingozi as they greeted his father before him. They remembered him as a young virile elephant at his father’s side. One approached to wish him and his pride well on their journey. As they moved on further on their quest a Rhino also greeted Ingozi with a snort from his nose. He bowed in acknowledgement of the huge journey this pride of Elephants have endured. Ingozi flapped his ears, raised his trunk and trumpeted. He was proclaiming his respect for another horned neighbour whom was also hunted by Man.

A Leopard stealthily approached the pride. Sneakily creeping through the undergrowth. Ingozi spotted him instantly and began to charge. His mind was focused on the protection of his family and his pride.
The leopard retreated to a safe distance. Elephants can instill such damage by merely trampling on a animal. The Leopard rose to his feet and bowed his head in submission. He remembered Ingozi from the years before and also his father from years before that. The Leopard purred, his young family emerged from the undergrowth. He had a partner and two young cubs. Ingozi approached the Leopards family. He gently manoeuvered his trunk towards the Leopard cubs. Ingozi trumpeted, though the sound was almost a whisper. He did not want to alarm the younglings. He lowered his trunk and caressed the heads of both cubs. He moved to the father and stroked his cheek. He was showing respect for the Leopard and his family. The Leopard knelt before him and wished him well on his journey and hoped to see him and his pride in the return journey to their homelands.

They moved on for many more days and moon lit nights, feeding upon what they could and drinking what little water was available. The pride were becoming increasingly tired and weary. Ingozi became worried he might have taken the wrong path, but his instincts belayed those fears. He was certain he was traveling in the right direction but was questioning his own abilities

The pride rest once more. Ingozi sat alone at the boundary of the treeline. Alonia approached and placed her trunk upon Ingozi’s cheek. She whispered within his ear. Ingozi rose to his feet and returned to the fold. It is not known what Alonia whispered to her partner but it appeared to stir him into action. He patrolled the camp for the rest of the night, protecting with his life.

As night became almost morning Defanial approached Ingozi. He stroked the pride leader with his trunk. “Sleep Ingozi. I will take watch for a few hours”. Defanial is one of the elders and a close friend of Ingozi’s father, Murach. Ingozi returned to his partner and child. He slept such a deep and troubled sleep for many hours.

The day was moving on but the pride had not received the instruction to move. Only Ingozi can give that command. Alonia attempted to wake him, pressing her trunk against his mouth, then head, then spanking his ear so hard. Ingozi woke. He rose to his feet and trumpeted. The pride rose, awaiting the command to continue to the Wetlands.

The region they where travelling through was tree bound to the west and grass lands to the east. It was to the east Ingozi feared. He was right to fear that open space. The sound of footsteps walking towards the tree bound place his pride where beset increasingly worried him as the sound became ever more increased.. Ingozi knew the sound of Man. He understood his pride would be under attack and all males with tusks would be butchered.

Mankind is every animals enemy. Elephants have huge tusks to defend their pride but require close quarter combat to protect their family. Man have guns that can shoot from distance with no close contact to harm themselves from the living creatures they desire to destroy. Not a fair playing field, but Man is not a fair player.

The Human race seeks to destroy for destroying sake. Some hunt for sport with high powered rifles which give the animals no chance to defend themselves. Take away the rifle and see how far Man can run before being overpowered by the animal they seek to kill.

Ingozi rallied his troops, his most powerful Elephants, some male, some female. Female Elephants might be shorter than the males but they have heart and power.

Ingozi is scanning the area. He witnessed a poacher, rifle at the ready aiming his gun at one of the pride.Ingozi charged. Defanial at his side. Keena and Ilandra rushed to the fore. Mbozi was scared. Be knew his father would die this night, just like his grandfather Murach, slaughtered and butchered by Mankind. What a lovely race mankind is? Alonia stroked Mbozi with her trunk and proclaimed his father would be safe as be has the spirit of Murach within him and the wisdom of the leopard and the cunning of the Lion.

The roar from above returned……………Such a deafening din. Ingozi and members of his pride continued to charge. Shots were fired, trees bristled with the pounding of bullets and Elephant feet. The four Elephants were getting closer to the three gunmen that wanted their tusks. They were not hungry for food. They were hungry with greed. Ingozi would die before his pride would fall. Defanial, Keena and Ilandra are of the same thought. This is not any old pride of Elephants. This pride was taught by Murach, bestowed upon his proud son Ingozi.

The noise from above appeared close, almost just beyond the treeline. The Elephants continued their charge, ears manically flapping as they trumpeted for their lives. More bullets fired, so many bullets………..silence.

The humans were not visible. The men with guns, so willing to destroy such beautiful animals were no more. Ingozi and the others search the undergrowth but found nothing other than blood, human blood.

The booming sound from above dispersed . The tree lined land was at peace once more. Ingozi, Defanial, Keena and Ilandra returned to the rest of the pride. Mbozi ran to his father and wrapped his trunk around Ingozi’s legs. His father had survived the poachers and the pride was intact. Alonia placed her trunk across her partner’s mouth. That’s how Elephants kiss. She was so proud of her partner.

Ingozi lead his pride to safety. He didn’t lose a single Elephant on the journey to the oasis they have now found. The sun is warm but not baking. The waterways are full. The pride can cool their aching bodies and be grateful they have Ingozi, son of Murach as their leader.

Mbozi raised his trunk , he was happy to be safe. He trumpeted. It was better than before but the young Elephant needs more work on that. Thanks to his father he will have the time, the life to achieve this.

On his journey Mbozi has witnessed and learned so much from his father. He will become the next generation. He will one day be the head of this pride, as long as the poacher doesn’t get to him first.

This Country is trying so hard to quell the death of these beautiful animals. This Country actually cares. The Country is Botswana. God bless your work in the preservation of life.

It might have been better making 3 parts. I hope it’s not boring or too friggin long.

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